Asked by: Titus Eberspach
religion and spirituality hinduism

Who is Hinetitama?

Hinetitama is dawn, the first true human. She was the daughter of Tane and Hine-ahu-one who bound earthly night to earthly day. She became Hine-nui-te-po, the Goddess of Death, after discovering that Tane was not only her husband, but also her father.

Keeping this in consideration, who is the Maori god of love?

Maori - Gods and Goddesses

Name Title Type
Papatuanuku Primordial earth mother Goddess
Puhaorangi Celestial God. God
Punga God of sharks, lizard, rays and all things ugly. God
Ranginui Primordial sky father. God

One may also ask, who is the Maori god of fire? Mahuika

Also know, who is Hinenuitepo?

Hine-nui-te-pō, also known as the "Great Woman of Night" is a giant goddess of death and the underworld. Her father is Tāne, the god of peace and beauty. Her mother is a human, Hine-ahu-one was made from earth.

Who is Hineraukatauri?

Hineraukatauri. Hineraukatauri is the goddess of traditional Māori musical instruments. She is also the guardian of all types of flute similar to that of the kōauau/traditional flute.

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Who are the main Maori gods?

Māori Gods*
Kupu Brief description
Tāne Mahuta God of the forest and all that dwell therein, especially the birds
Papatūānuku Mother Earth
Ranginui Father sky
Tangaroa God of the sea, rivers, lakes and all that live within them

Zilvinas Schnegg


What does Tumatauenga mean?

In Māori mythology, Tū or Tūmatauenga (Māori: 'Tū of the angry face') is the god of war, hunting, food cultivation, fishing and cooking. As the god of war, all war-parties were dedicated to him, and he was treated with the greatest respect and awe.

Maroa Irusta


What is Tane the god of?

In Māori mythology, Tāne (also called Tāne-mahuta, Tāne-nui-a-Rangi, and several other names) is the god of forests and of birds, and the son of Ranginui and Papatūanuku, the sky father and the earth mother, who used to lie in a tight embrace where their many children lived in the darkness between them (Grey 1956:2).

Peggie Dyhrkoop


Is Maui a Maori god?

In Māori mythology, as in other Polynesian traditions, Māui is a culture hero and a trickster, famous for his exploits and cleverness. Māui is credited with catching a giant fish using a fishhook taken from his grandmother's jaw-bone; the giant fish would become the North Island of New Zealand, known as Te Ika-a-Māui.

Brahian Clauhs


How many children does papatuanuku have?

Punga, a son of Tangaroa, has two children, Ikatere father of fish, and Tu-te-wehiwehi (or Tu-te-wanawana) the ancestor of reptiles.

Fatoma Habernicht


Todd Bakastoff


Yohanka Herschstein


What are the names of the Greek gods?

Here is a selection of some of the A-list names of the Greek pantheon.
  • Aphrodite. Titian: Venus and AdonisVenus and Adonis, oil on canvas by Titian, 1554; in the National Gallery, London.
  • Athena. AthenaAthena.
  • Artemis.
  • Ares.
  • Apollo.
  • Demeter.
  • Dionysus.
  • Hades.

Hassiba Quirant


What is Rongomatane God of?

In southern Cook Islands mythology, Rongo was the god of agriculture and one of the children of Vatea (sky father) and Papa (earth mother). His twin brother was Tangaroa, the god of the sea. Rongo was the principal deity of Mangaia.

Josie Junghans


Did Maori have fire?

Fire and Māori agriculture. Māori arrived in New Zealand around 1250–1300 AD. The fires caused widespread deforestation in the South Island east of the main dividing range, and also in large parts of the eastern North Island.

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What does Ruaumoko mean?

In Māori mythology, Rūaumoko (also known as Rūamoko) is the god of earthquakes, volcanoes and seasons. He is the youngest son of Ranginui (the Sky father) and Papatūānuku (the Earth mother) (commonly called Rangi and Papa).

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What is Haumiatiketike God of?

In Māori mythology, Haumia-tiketike (also Haumia-roa, and Haumia-tikitiki), or more commonly Haumia, is the god of all uncultivated food. He is particularly associated with the starchy rhizome of the Pteridium esculentum, which became a major element of the Māori diet in former times.