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Asked by: Rosita Luja
television science fiction tvWho is the father of Patty's baby on Goliath?
In respect to this, who is Patty's mother in Goliath?
Denise saddeningly saw Marisol as a role model. In what was probably the most emotionally effective scene, Patty goes to meet Christina Lukin, her birth mother, in Episode 8, “Joy Division”.
In respect to this, is Patty pregnant in Goliath?
Patty is pregnant Another big reveal in the final episode of the series was Patty was pregnant, which she told Billy in a one of the few lighthearted moments. Viewers also saw her meet her biological mother after she tracked her house down and went to introduce herself.
Amazon's new drama Goliath may follow ruthless lawyers at a major firm, but Goliath isn't a typical show about the law. So is Goliath based on a true story? Well, not so fast. Stars Mario Bello and Molly Parker confirm the fascinating story isn't actually based on a real event, but they see how it could be.