Asked by: Klever Heppner
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Who is the old man in the Pardoner's Tale?

The Old Man. The Old Man the Three Rioters meet on their way to find Death is one of Chaucer's most ambiguous and mysterious characters. He is shrunken and wrinkled, and he begs Death to free him from his body, which is slowly wasting away.

Also to know is, who does the old man represent in Pardoner's Tale?

The old man can be “death” itself or a representation of death as he sends the three young men, who are looking for death, to an Oak tree where they find treasure and, ultimately, die. In other words, he sends them to a place where they find death or death finds them. One of the “rioters” calls him the death's spy.

Similarly, who is death in the Pardoner's Tale? The Pardoner's Tale is a reminder that death is inevitable. Death is personified as a thief who pierces the heart of his victims. This was an iconographic image of death throughout the middle ages and later.

In this way, who is the old man in the Pardoner's Tale Is he a spy for death?

The symbolic meaning of the Old Man in "The Pardoner's Tale" is not clarified within the story or in The Canterbury Tales themselves. Some have asserted that the Old Man is Death personified; indeed, one of the rioters accuses him of being Death's spy.

What is the old man problem in the Pardoner tale?

He had to travel the world until he found someone who would trade youth for age. Where does the old men send the rioters? To an oak tree.

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Lesson Summary
Despite his moral repugnance, the Pardoner is accomplished in rhetoric, the art of persuasion, and shares the tricks of his trade with the pilgrims. As a demonstration, he tells a parable about three sinners who self-destruct through greed. In the story, Death is personified and symbolizes mortal sin.

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Who are the main characters in the Pardoner's Tale?

Terms in this set (7)
  • three rioters. These are the three protagonists of the Pardoner's Tale.
  • tavern knave. His tone is objective and emotionally detached.
  • the publican. The publican's comments that Death has killed an entire family - builds the danger of the situation.
  • death.
  • fortune.
  • very poor old man.
  • the apothecary.

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How is the Pardoner's Tale an allegory?

Allegory: The Tale
The presence of the mysterious stranger named Death more or less invites this interpretation. In an allegorical reading, the Three Rioters represent greed (or possibly, all sin), and their death and the events surrounding it are an allegory for the journey of the sinful soul to damnation.

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The overt moral lesson in "The Pardoner's Tale" is that greed is the root of all evil, as it is explicitly stated by the pardoner. In addition, gluttony, drunkeness, gambling and swearing are each discussed in the "Prologue to the Pardoner's Tale" as moral vices to be avoided.