Asked by: Concetta Fischermanns
books and literature young adult literature

Who is the protagonist of a wrinkle in time?

Meg Murry - The book's heroine and protagonist, a homely, awkward, but loving high school student who is sent on an adventure through time and space with her brother and her friend Calvin to rescue her father from the evil force that is attempting to take over the universe.

Similarly one may ask, who is the antagonist in a wrinkle in time?

Meg is the protagonist in A Wrinkle In Time. She goes through several major changes throughout the story, and in the end she is the character who saves Mr. Murry and Charles Wallace from IT. IT is the antagonist in A Wrinkle In Time.

One may also ask, how old is Mrs who in a wrinkle in time? Charles Wallace, a five year old boy in the book, found her in a haunted house in the woods, where she has been living with her two friends, Mrs Who and Mrs Which. Mrs Whatsit is the youngest of the Mrs W's, and the best of the three at interacting with the children.

Similarly, you may ask, who is the most courageous character in a wrinkle in time?

The main characters in A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'engle display perseverance, team work, and courage throughout the novel. Most prominently, in the final confrontation with IT, Meg shows resolve and determination to get to her brother and show him she loves him deeply, (The entire section contains 141 words.)

Why has a wrinkle in time been banned?

A Wrinkle in Time is on the American Library Association list of the 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of 1990–2000 at number 23. The novel has been accused of being both anti-religious and anti-Christian for its inclusion of witches and crystal balls.

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Meg Murry and her little brother, Charles Wallace, have been without their scientist father, Mr. Murry, for five years, ever since he discovered a new planet and used the concept known as a tesseract to travel there. Joined by Meg's classmate Calvin O'Keefe and guided by the three mysterious astral travelers known as Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who and Mrs. Which, the children brave a dangerous journey to a planet that possesses all of the evil in the universe.

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Chris Pine plays Dr. Alex Murry, father to Meg and Charles Wallace and the scientist who went missing while discovering a new form of space travel.

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Is a wrinkle in time a good book?

Parents need to know that A Wrinkle in Time is one of the great works of literature for kids. Besides being an exciting story, its messages of individuality, nonconformity, friendship and courage have inspired generations of readers.

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Young adult fiction
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Where is A Wrinkle in Time set?

Filming for A Wrinkle in Time took place in multiple locations including Eureka, California, in Humboldt County, starting November 29, 2016.

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How many pages is a wrinkle in time book?

A Wrinkle in Time Kindle Edition
Length: 228 pages Word Wise: Enabled
Page Flip: Enabled Audible book: Audible book Switch back and forth between reading the Kindle book and listening to the Audible book with Whispersync for Voice. Add the Audible book for a reduced price of $7.49 when you buy the Kindle book. Available

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DID A Wrinkle in Time won any awards?

John Newbery Medal

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