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Likewise, who is responsible for William's death in Frankenstein?
Throughout the novel, Victor Frankenstein expresses his guilt over the actions committed by the creature he created. After the deaths of his brother William and the accused Justine, Victor feels that he “the true murderer, felt the never-dying worm alive in [his] bosom, which allowed of no hope or consolation” (Vol.
Just so, what first death does Victor feel responsible for and why?
Victor first feels responsible in terms of the murders of William and Justine. There is a theme here of science vs nature or God. Had Victor not created the creature in the first place, those two lives would not have been lost.
Victor is responsible for creating the Monster and he is also responsible for abandoning it and setting in motion the train of events that result in the deaths of many of his family and friends. However, he rarely accepts that he is at fault and instead blames the Monster for its own actions.