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It was popularized a year later by car mechanic Nick in the Hollywood classic Kiss Me Deadly (1955), which helped the catch phrase being remembered over time and being reused many decades later in advertisements and pop songs. "Va-va-voom." YourDictionary.
Also, where does va va voom come from?
Va-va-voom first appeared in the lyrics of a 1950s song and is used in an advertisement for Renault cars featuring the Arsenal and France star. Its inclusion in the new dictionary proves the power of the media over language.
Likewise, is Va Va Voom French?
"In one of more than 2,000 new inclusions in the 11th edition of the Concise Oxford Dictionary, published today, the official definition of [French footballer, Thierry] Henry's favourite word [va-va-voom] is "the quality of being exciting, vigorous, or sexually attractive".
VOOM is not a valid scrabble word.