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Asked by: Lamyae Castañ
medical health mental healthWho was an early proponent of functionalism?
Simply so, who came up with functionalism?
The functionalist perspective is based largelyonthe works of Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim, Talcott Parsons,andRobert Merton. According to functionalism, society isasystem of interconnected parts that work together in harmonytomaintain a state of balance and social equilibrium forthewhole.
Also know, who was an early proponent of functionalism and regarded as the father of psychology in America?
Wilhelm Wundt. Wilhelm Wundt opened the InstituteforExperimental Psychology at the University of LeipziginGermany in 1879. This was the first laboratory dedicatedtopsychology, and its opening is usually thought of asthebeginning of modern psychology. Indeed, Wundt isoftenregarded as the father of psychology.
James and Functionalism William James (1842–1910) was the firstAmericanpsychologist who espoused a different perspective onhowpsychology should operate. James was introduced toDarwin'stheory of evolution by natural selection and accepted it asanexplanation of an organism's characteristics.