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Also, who was Samuel to Saul?
Saul was a King and biblical figure born circa1076 BC in the land of Benjamin in Israel. He became the first Kingof Israel circa 1046 BC where he united tribes and defeated enemiessuch as the Ammonites, Philistines, Moabites, andAmalekites.
Subsequently, one may also ask, who was King before David?
Jonathan and Saul are killed in battle, and Davidis anointed king over Judah. In the north, Saul's sonIsh-Bosheth is anointed king of Israel, and war ensues untilIsh-Bosheth is murdered. With the death of Saul's son, theelders of Israel come to Hebron and David is anointed king over allof Israel.
The Kings of Judah were the monarchs who ruled over theancient Kingdom of Judah. According to the biblical account, thiskingdom was founded after the death of Saul, when the tribeof Judah elevated David to rule over it. After sevenyears, David became king of a reunited Kingdom ofIsrael.