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On April 12, 1945, Franklin D. Roosevelt (who had justbegun his fourth term in office) collapsed and died as aresult of a cerebral hemorrhage. The most recent U.S. presidentto die in office was John F. Kennedy, who was shot by LeeHarvey Oswald on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas.
Similarly, it is asked, what presidents are alive?
Currently, in addition to the incumbent, Donald Trump,there are four living former presidents: Jimmy Carter, BillClinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama.
Beside above, how many presidents have been killed?
Donald Trump is the 45th President of the UnitedStates of America. However, only 44 men have served aspresident. This is because presidents are numbered bytheir continuous terms in office. Grover Cleveland, who won twonon-consecutive terms in 1884 and 1892, is therefore the 22nd and24th president.