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In respect to this, what kind of glass are aquariums made from?
Glass. By far the material most commonly employed to build aquarium tanks is glass. Glass is actually manufactured heating ordinary sand (which is mostly silicon dioxide) to 1700 degrees celsius (3090F). At this temperature, the sand will literally liquefy.
Likewise, are Juwel aquariums made of glass?
A good glass fish aquarium ought to be made out of tempered glass or plate glass. A plate glass is usually bulkier compared to ordinary glass. Click below for the glass Juwel aquarium and glass Fluval aquarium choices which incorporates these features.
Use of a tempered glass is common in aquarium construction due to its capability to withstand the pressure and weight of the many gallons of water inside the tank. When broken, a tempered glass shatters into thousands of pieces. LCD screen and a polarized filter can be used to determine if a sheet of glass is tempered.