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Cue cards enable you to maintain eye contact with the audience and to speak at a fairly natural pace. The audience will respond to this change in pace by concentrating a little harder on what you are saying because they intuitively know this is an important or difficult point they need to understand.
Besides, what are cue cards used for?
Cue cards, also known as note cards, are cards with words written on them that help actors and speakers remember what they have to say. They are typically used in television productions where they can be held off-camera and are unseen by the audience.
Similarly, what is a cue card for presentation?
Using Cue Cards During Your Presentation. This is a widely-used practice to use cue cards while giving a speech in front of a big audience. Cue cards are tiny piece of paper carrying major points of the entire presentation which you deliver to people.
Barney McNulty