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Asked by: Qiao Bakker
home and garden landscapingWhy are my Italian cypress trees turning brown?
Also know, what causes a cypress tree to turn brown?
Leyland cypress branches turn brown because of an infiltration of three types of fungi: seiridium, bought, and cercospora. These three fungi enter into the tree during the summer months when the heat enlarges the tree's stomata (pores on the leaf) and allow entrance of the fungi.
Regarding this, how often should I water my Italian cypress?
Your Italian cypresses have a moderate water need so be sure you water them deeply twice a week during the hottest summer month and taper off to once a week during the fall, winter and spring. The drooping branches can indicate a need for water.
Italian Cypress tree water requirements vary from season to season. Once they have settled in, the drought-tolerant trees should need a deep watering only about once a month during the summer and no irrigation at all for the rest of the year. Susceptible to root rot, they won't tolerate excessive moisture.