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In respect to this, why it is important to save tigers?
Tiger is symbol of wilderness and well-beingofthe ecosystem. By conserving and saving tigers theentirewilderness ecosystem is conserved. Hence conservingwilderness isimportant and crucial to maintain the lifesupport system.So saving tiger amounts to saving theecosystem whichis crucial for man's own survival.
Moreover, how do tigers help humans?
To ensure a world with healthy populations ofwildtigers, we strive to stop the killing and traffickingoftigers. Protect tigers and their habitat.Buildcapacity in range states. Reducehuman-tigerconflict.
If the tiger goes extinctthepopulation of the deer, wild pig, antelope, and gaurwillrise dramatically because the tiger cant controlit. thiswill also cause the co extinction of someotheranimals that live in that area because there is no food forthem toeat and their species will go extinct.