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Asked by: Marylin Grazino
books and literature fictionWhy did Poe leave the University of Virginia?
Subsequently, one may also ask, why did Poe leave the University of Virginia quizlet?
Poe didn't enjoy his time at West Point and got very bored. He was expelled in March 1831. At this point, John Allan disowned him.
Accordingly, why did Poe drop out of West Point?
In reality, Poe's meltdown was triggered in part by his strained relationship with his foster father, John Allan, who had recently remarried, cutting Poe out of any family inheritance, Semtner said in an e-mail. Things came to a head when one of Poe's outstanding debts came to haunt him.
Poe in the Army Edgar Allan had no money, no job skills, and had been shunned by John Allan. Edgar went to Boston and joined the U.S. Army in 1827. He was 18. He did reasonably well in the Army and attained the rank of sergeant major.