Asked by: Austin Peres
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Why did the southerners support the Kansas Nebraska Act?

It allowed people in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide for themselves whether or not to allow slavery within their borders. The Act served to repeal the Missouri Compromise of 1820 which prohibited slavery north of latitude 36°30´. In the pro-slavery South it was strongly supported.

Likewise, why did the South like the Kansas Nebraska Act?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed each territory to decide the issue of slavery on the basis of popular sovereignty. Kansas with slavery would violate the Missouri Compromise, which had kept the Union from falling apart for the last thirty-four years. The Missouri Compromise had prevented this from happening since 1820.

Additionally, who supported the Kansas Nebraska Act? The debate would continue for four months, as many Anti-Nebraska political rallies were held across the north. Douglas remained the main advocate for the bill while Chase, William Seward, of New York, and Charles Sumner, of Massachusetts, led the opposition.

Herein, why did Southerners support the Kansas Nebraska Act Brainly?

Answer: Southerners supported the Kansas-Nebraska Act because it gave them the possibility to decide whether to allow slavery or not in their states, based on popular sovereignty. Explanation: The Republican Party, founded by opponents of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, strongly opposed the expansion of slavery.

Why did Southerners support the act?

The Popular Sovereignty clause in the Act meant the territories might allow slavery and enter the Union as slave states. The population increased greatly as settlers flooded into the territory from both free states and slave states.

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How did the Kansas Nebraska Act contribute to tension between the North and South?

Those from the North generally opposed slavery in Kansas. Election fraud, intimidation, and some violence resulted, when the two sides began to contest the territory. The turmoil in Kansas contributed to the growing tension between the North and the South, which eventually led to the outbreak of the Civil War.

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How did the north and south feel about Kansas Nebraska Act?

The Act served to repeal the Missouri Compromise of 1820 which prohibited slavery north of latitude 36°30´. The Kansas-Nebraska Act infuriated many in the North who considered the Missouri Compromise to be a long-standing binding agreement. In the pro-slavery South it was strongly supported.

Alexandre Eznarrizaga


What was the Kansas Nebraska Act designed to accomplish?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act was designed to accomplish to divide the area west of Iowa and Missouri into two territories. Some of the intended was splitting of land and unintended was the conflict and the violence. They allow each territory to decide the issue of slavery on the basis of popular sovereignty.

Hamara Vay


Why did the Kansas Nebraska Act fail?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act failed to end the national conflict over slavery. Antislavery forces viewed the statute as a capitulation to the South, and many abandoned the Whig and Democratic parties to form the republican party. Kansas soon became a battleground over slavery.

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How did the north and south react to Bleeding Kansas?

It would open the North to slavery. Northerners were outraged; Southerners were overjoyed. In an era that would come to be known as "Bleeding Kansas," the territory would become a battleground over the slavery question. The reaction from the North was immediate.

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How did the Kansas Nebraska Act increased sectional tension?

Later, in 1854, the Kansas-Nebraska Act caused an inflammation of sectional tensions, as these territories were also permitted through the process of popular sovereignty to decide whether to allow slavery or not. Kansas became engulfed in a bitter and bloody war between defenders and opponents of slavery.

Salete Coloma


What happened as a result of the Kansas Nebraska Act apex?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed the Missouri Compromise, created two new territories, and allowed for popular sovereignty. It also produced a violent uprising known as “Bleeding Kansas,” as proslavery and antislavery activists flooded into the territories to sway the vote.

Rosalin Garcia Caro


How did Bleeding Kansas increased tension?

After the Kansas-Nebraska Act reopened the possibility of slavery extending into new territories, tensions between pro- and anti-slavery advocates erupted into violence. Bleeding Kansas foreshadowed the violence that would ensue over the future of slavery during the Civil War.

Serafina Condo


Why did Stephen Douglas propose the Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854?

In 1854, amid sectional tension over the future of slavery in the Western territories, Senator Stephen A. Douglas proposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which he believed would serve as a final compromise measure. Without the support of slave-state Senators, the likelihood of completing the railroad remained very low.

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Did the Kansas Nebraska Act lead to the Civil War?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 was a huge catalyst in sending the nation to the Civil War. This act reversed the Missouri Compromise and allowed slavery in the remainder of the original areas of the Louisiana Purchase. The balance of power shifted in the government and across the land.

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Which event happened after the Kansas Nebraska Act?

Opponents of the Kansas-Nebraska Act helped found the Republican Party, which opposed the spread of slavery into the territories. As a result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, the United States moved closer to Civil War.

Judi Gorchakov


Why was the Kansas Nebraska Act needed?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act was an 1854 bill that mandated “popular sovereignty”–allowing settlers of a territory to decide whether slavery would be allowed within a new state's borders. Kansas was admitted as a free state in January 1861 only weeks after eight Southern states seceded from the union.

Boubeker Goloushin


Why was the Kansas Nebraska Act difficult for northerners to accept?

It granted popular sovereignty to the people in the Kansas and Nebraska territories, letting them decide whether they'd allow slavery. Kansas and Nebraska ended up as free states, but the Kansas-Nebraska Act had allowed the possibility that slavery could become slave states.

Petrea Mateos Aparicio


Why did the Kansas Nebraska Act end in bloodshed?

Why did the Kansas-Nebraska Act end up supporting slavery? Because it established Popular Sovereignty in these territories, which led to a corrupt election process that favored slavery.

Petrov Janssens


What were the basic provisions and results of the Kansas Nebraska Act?

What were the basic provisions and results of the Kansas-Nebraska Act? The Kansas-Nebraska Act proposed that the United States be split into two territories- Nebraska in the north and Kansas in the south. It would repeal the Missouri Compromise and give both territories popular sovereignty.

Dirk Nuño


Why did Bleeding Kansas occur?

Bleeding Kansas, Bloody Kansas or the Border War was a series of violent civil confrontations in the United States between 1854 and 1861 which emerged from a political and ideological debate over the legality of slavery in the proposed state of Kansas.

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How did the Kansas Nebraska Act affect the abolition movement?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed by the U.S. Congress on May 30, 1854. It allowed people in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide for themselves whether or not to allow slavery within their borders. The Act served to repeal the Missouri Compromise of 1820 which prohibited slavery north of latitude 36°30´.

Junbo Koerver


What did the Kansas Nebraska Act accomplish quizlet?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act was an 1854 bill that mandated "popular sovereignty"-allowing settlers of a territory to decide whether slavery would be allowed within a new state's borders. This represents the conflict that was going on around the country.

Siraj Moren


How did Northern voters respond to the passage of the Kansas Nebraska Act?

Nebraska was mainly anti-slavery and was seen and voting for free statehood anyway so the main focus was on Kansas. Overall more pro-slavery forces voted and Kansas became a slave state. Fighting happened before, during, and after the vote and this is referred to as "Bleeding Kansas."