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Also, is Rizal really a doctor?
Rizal was not a licenseddoctor Though Rizal practiced ophthalmology anddentistry, he was not a licensed doctor because he neverfinished his course in medicine.
Similarly one may ask, who executed Jose Rizal?
The Execution of Rizal. At 6:30 a.m. on 30December 1896, Jose Rizal, bound elbow-to-elbow, left FortSantiago by foot for Bagumbayan field, accompanied by a bugler, adrummer and two Jesuit priests, Fr.
Enumerate the four reasons why Rizal wasexiled to dapitan. He brought with him from Hongkongleaflets entitled Pobres Frailes (“Poor Friars”). Hewas accused of dedicating his second novel, El Filibusterismo, tothe memory of the three priests who had been proven traitors to thenation but whom he extolled as martyrs.