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Considering this, why did Dr Crusher leave in Season 2?
The added stress of the writer's strike didn't help. Theworking relationship became unmanageable and she was fired.One of the better things that happened to the show in the secondseason was the introduction of Dr. Pulaski to replaceDr. Crusher. She was a better actress and hercharacter was better written.
Correspondingly, did Picard and Crusher married?
In the series finale "All Good Things", it is revealedthat in an alternate future, Dr. Crusher and CaptainPicard had been married and then divorced— still evidently having feelings for each other after somany years. Little information is given about the circumstances oftheir marriage or separation.
In 1987, Crosby was cast in the role of Tasha Yarfor the much-publicized return of Star Trek to television in thesyndicated series Star Trek: The Next Generation. Ultimately,Crosby decided to leave the show. Her character was killedby the alien creature Armus during the episode "Skin ofEvil".