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Also to know is, what causes a person to gossip?
Sometimes the main reason behind gossipingis jealousy. When someone feels jealous of someoneelse he might gossip about him in order to let peoplehate him. Sadly jealousy stems from lack of self confidence andgossiping about someone because you are jealous ofhim only means that you need to fix your selfconfidence.
- Alert your friends.
- Confront the source of the rumor directly.
- Keep a healthy self-image.
- Ignore it.
- Never let gossip affect your routine.
- Tell an authority figure.
- Stay away from people who gossip.
Similarly, what is the purpose of gossip?
Or is there something about gossip that mighthave a redeeming social purpose Gossip has a badreputation-and deservedly so. It is often used to exclude, slander,or attack another person, characteristically in an underhanded anddevious manner.
In evolutionary biology the phenomenon is called'gossip theory' and it suggests that as language developedit allowed early humans to pass on reliable information so theycould live in ever increasing groups.