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Also question is, do geishas still exist in Japan?
Geisha can be found in several cities acrossJapan, including Tokyo and Kanazawa, but the former capitalof Kyoto remains the best and most prestigious place to experiencegeisha, who are known there as geiko. Five major geikodistricts (hanamachi) remain in Kyoto.
Then, do geishas get paid?
Their attentions don't come cheap: the bill for anevening in an ochaya runs into hundreds, sometimes thousands ofpounds; star-struck men have been known to bankrupt themselves inplaces like this. The youngest of the three, 17-year-old Miehinna,is a maiko, or apprentice, still three years from being afull geisha.
??, lit. "hoisting fromwater") was a ceremony undergone by a Japanese maiko (apprenticegeisha) to signify her coming of age. Mizuage has been longconnected with the loss of virginity of a maiko, but thispractice was made illegal along with other acts ofprostitution in 1959.