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Keeping this in consideration, why do MLB players wear necklaces?
And the answer is: Phiten Necklaces!Phitennecklaces have become the must-have accessory formanyprofessional athletes, especially in Major LeagueBaseball(MLB). Athletes claim that the necklacesimprovetheir performance on the field.
why do baseball players wear gold chains around their necks?
"People used to wear gold chains backinthe day, but they kept them tucked. Thedifferenceis they're just letting them hang out now."Because ofthe nature of the uniforms and thegameitself, baseball remains one of the few sportsinwhich outwardly wearing a chain whileplayingis plausible.
According to the company, the necklacesandbracelets work by stabilizing the electric flow that nerves usetocommunicate actions to the body.