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Also know, why do my tomato plants get too leggy?
The most common cause of leggy seedlings is lackof strong, overhead lighting. Tomato plants become long andspindly when they are reaching for the light. If the lightonly comes from one direction, then your seedlings not onlybecome leggy, but will also lean towards thelight.
Correspondingly, how do you fix leggy tomatoes?
If the soil is warm enough and the seedlings are matureenough to be transplanted, harden them off and get them outside inthe sun to keep them from growing leggier. If you have leggytomato seedlings, the best way to correct them is to repot them(or transplant them) and bury the stems up to the lowest set ofleaves.
A very common mistake some gardeners make whenstarting their seeds can include depriving their seedlings ofthe light they need to thrive and grow. If yourseedlings are tall, "leggy" or thin, understand thisis caused by the plant having to "reach" for their lightsource.