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Likewise, do trout die if you touch them?
Never touch a fish's gills, they areextremely delicate and just touching them can damagethem. Never lay a trout on dry ground it willremove slime and allow the fish to be attacked by fungi andbacteria that can kill it.
Besides, how long is Trout good for?
When stored properly in the refrigerator, fresh fishshould be cooked within two days, up to three at most, from thetime it was purchased. Shelf life does vary from species tospecies, with some lasting slightly longer. Two days is agood rule of thumb to follow.
For years a row has raged over whether angling is acruel sport, and now researchers have waded into the debate byclaiming that fish cannot feel pain. A study hasfound that, even when caught on a hook and wriggling, thefish is impervious to pain because it does nothave the necessary brain power.