Asked by: Naray Subirada
science physics

Why does a freely rolling ball eventually stop?

When you roll a ball on the ground, theelectrons in the atoms on the surface of the ground push againstthe electrons in the atoms on the surface of your ball thatis touching the ground. A rolling ball stops becausethe surface on which it rolls resists its motion. A rolling ballstops because of friction.

Hereof, can a ball roll forever?

So the ball should roll on forever.The ball only stops rolling because an external force(friction) causes the ball to stop.

One may also ask, why does an object moving on a smooth surface stops by itself? The object doesn't stop by itself; itstops because of friction between itself and thesurface. If you said “frictionless,” itwould slow down because of air resistance, but itwould never actually stop, because the air resistanceforce decreases as its speed decreases.

Beside above, why do objects eventually stop moving?

Newton's first law of motion states that "Anobject at rest stays at rest and an object inmotion stays in motion with the same speed and in thesame direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force." Movingobjects, so it was believed, would eventually stopmoving; a force was necessary to keep an objectmoving.

What causes a ball to roll?

The ball rolls because: the friction presentbetween the surface pushes the atoms/particles in contact withsurface or ground backwards, hence with centre of mass moving in adirection, the ball's bottom surface(ie. The surface incontact) moves in opposite direction or backwards, causing theball to roll.

Related Question Answers

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When a ball is allowed to roll on a roughhorizontal surface, no static or kinetic frictional forceacts on it. The answer lies in another type of friction, calledrolling friction. Rolling friction occurs because theobjects in contact are not perfectly rigid.

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Friction then creates a torque about its center of mass.The object is at the same time rotating around the pointwhere it touches the surface, like a fulcrum, the torque is createdwith lever-arm L and force W.

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So friction is necessary for a ball to startrolling but once the rolling condition has been metthe ball experiences no friction. If the wheel isrolling at constant velocity without any other forcesacting, then there is no tendency for slippage between the wheeland the surface, so there is no friction.

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When an object slides over a surface, friction actsagainst the motion. Friction is a force that causes the boxto slow down until it finally stops. A force canchange the motion of an object by changing theobject's speed or the direction the object is moving orboth.

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The motion of an object is determined by the sumof the forces acting on it; if the total force on the objectis not zero, its motion will change. For any given object, alarger force causes a larger change in motion.

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The ball doesn't roll forever because there is anunbalanced force acting on the ball causing it to slow down.The main force causing the ball to slow down and stop isFRICTION. So, no force (0 N) is needed for the object to keepmoving at the same speed and in the same direction.

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In flight, the ball rotates about the center ofgravity. Newton's laws of motion describe the translation of thecenter of gravity. As the ball moves through the air, theair resists the motion of the ball and the resistance forceis called drag.

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The focus of Lesson 1 is Newton's first law ofmotion - sometimes referred to as the law of inertia.Newton's first law of motion is often stated as. An objectat rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion withthe same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by anunbalanced force.

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Inertia is the tendency of an object to remain atrest or in motion. Newton's First Law of Motion states thatan object will remain at rest or move at a constant speed in astraight line unless it is acted on by an unbalancedforce.

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According to Newton s Second Law of Motion, alsoknown as the Law of Force and Acceleration, a force upon anobject causes it to accelerate according to the formula net force =mass x acceleration. So the acceleration of the object is directlyproportional to the force and inversely proportional to themass.

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8.1 - An object's inertia causes it to continuemoving the way it is moving unless it is acted upon by an(unbalanced) force to change its motion. Anunbalanced force is a net force.

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This tendency of the body to continue its present stateof motion is called inertia. Hence the first law of motionis also sometimes called the law of inertia. So if you see aball rolling on the ground, it was because it was acted upon by anexternal unbalanced force in the direction of itsmotion.

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Momentum is not conserved if there isfriction, gravity, or net force (net force just meansthe total amount of force). What it means is that if you acton an object, its momentum will change. This should beobvious, since you are adding to or taking away from the object'svelocity and therefore changing its momentum.

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Why has no work been done if there is no displacement?

In short: Yes, no work is done because theparticles does not move, thus →s=0. Yes, you cancalculate the work done by each force. Note that becausethere is no displacement, the value of the applied forcesare equal.

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Examples of Newton's third law of motion areubiquitous in everyday life. For example, when you jump,your legs apply a force to the ground, and the ground applies andequal and opposite reaction force that propels you into theair.

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Forces that cause a change in the motion of anobject are unbalanced forces. Unbalanced forces arenot equal and opposite.

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A ball comes to rest after moving on theground due to friction. A ball moving on ground,eventually comes to 'rest' because of the “Frictionalforce” between the ball and the ground.Explanation: Frictional force is force which generated whentwo surfaces are dragged over each other.

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A ball rolling on the ground slows down due tothe force of friction. Reason : Friction is the resistance that onesurface of an object encounters when another one touches it. Theforce of friction always acts in the opposite direction to theapplied force .

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Friction is another kind of force.
A ball rolling across a carpet. Friction is aforce that slows down movingobjects.