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Also asked, what will kill clover but not grass?
There is an exciting new organic weed killer on the market for killing weeds in your lawn without killing the grass. If you spray this new organic weed killer (Adios) on the clover in the grass, it will weaken the clover without harming the grass and give your grass the advantage it needs to outcompete the clover.
Correspondingly, why is there so much clover in my lawn?
Clover grows in nitrogen-poor soil. Like other legumes, clover absorbs nitrogen from the air, so it doesn't need it from the soil. In your yard, low nitrogen levels might be caused by: Poor soil: Do a soil test to determine levels of nitrogen and other nutrients.
How To: Get Rid of Clover
- Cook it. A natural way to thwart clover is to deprive it of sunlight and oxygen.
- Douse it. Here's a natural remedy many gardeners find effective: Mix vinegar with a small amount of dish soap, put the mixture in a spray bottle, and spot treat clover clumps.
- Kill it with corn gluten.
- Hit back with herbicide.