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Asked by: Yong Tegelkamper
family and relationships bereavementWhy does Lord Capulet want Juliet to marry Paris?
In respect to this, why does Lord Capulet not want Juliet to marry Paris?
1.2: When Paris asks for Juliet's hand inmarriage, Lord Capulet tells him that Julietis too young to get married. In retrospect, LordCapulet seems to think that marrying her when she was soyoung was a bad idea.) He also says he will not agree to letanyone marry Juliet unless his daughter consents to thematch.
Herein, does Lord Capulet want Juliet to marry Paris?
Juliet Capulet is now introduced to a wealthyyoung man, Paris, who her parents wish her to marry.She does not love Paris. Romeo is a Montague whofalls in love with Juliet and marries her.
It's a laugh a minute. The Nurse andJuliet may have a loving, teasing sort of relationship atthe beginning of the play, but when Juliet needs hermost—after her parents order her to marry Paris—theNurse betrays her. Romeo is as good as dead, theNurse tells Juliet, and she had better forget him andmarry Paris.