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In this regard, why do cats watch you poop?
Either way, they see their behavior as rewardedbecausethey are getting exactly what they are seeking,yourundivided attention. Even a little paw under the doorgetsrewarded, the way they see it, when the door to the closedoffhuman is opened.
Accordingly, what does it mean when a cat follows you around?
Sometimes cats also follow us around asameans of getting our attention. This is the morelikelybehavior when a cat follows the owner aroundand alsostarts to meow. Domestic cats are more likely to meow athumans asa means of getting attention than they are towardeachother.
If it's a covered litter box, it givesyourcat fewer exits in case of ambush. Some cats preferusinga litter box in a place that is socially importantbecause itcan be used as a territorial marker. By waitinguntil you'rein the bathroom she could be trying to say "Thisismy space, too.