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Asked by: Yohanna Knesebeck
home and garden home entertainingWhy does my electrical outlet have 4 wires?
Similarly, it is asked, why does outlet have 4 wires?
The white wires tie together to complete the return side of the circuit while the black wire (hot wire) runs through the 2-way switch and out to the outlet. Duplex receptacles have (4) screws for termination points along with a green screw dedicated for ground.
Thereof, how many wires can be connected to an outlet?
Counting Wires in Electrical Boxes Each insulated wire, all cable clamps combined, all uninsulated wires combined, and each support for light or other fixture count as one wire. Each switch, outlet, or other device counts as two wires.
Connect the ground wire of the 3-wire cable to the ground wire of the 4-wire cable. Connect the black wire of the 3-wire circuit to either the red or the black wire of the 4-wire circuit. The red and black wires are the"hot" wires. Either wire can be used to power a circuit.