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Asked by: Kaouthar Zylstra
home and garden home appliancesWhy does my Frigidaire Gallery dishwasher keep beeping?
Then, how do you reset a Frigidaire Gallery dishwasher?
Resetting the Dishwasher. Hold down the cancel button for at least 3 seconds. Find the cancel button on the far-right side of the control panel. To reset the dishwasher, hold this button down for 3 seconds or until the light display disappears or changes.
In this way, why does my dishwasher keep beeping?
Flashing lights and or beep sounds can mean the dishwasher problem was from a power surge or power outage. If the reset does not work after removing power from the dishwasher, then the next thing to try is to press the Start or Reset button to reset the dishwasher. Press for about 10 seconds.
Try pressing the "Start/Reset" pad to reset the dishwasher and wait 2 minutes. If the problem persists, reset (reboot) the dishwasher by turning off power to the unit at the house circuit breaker/fuse box for 30 seconds. Restore power and the dishwasher should function normally.