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In this manner, why does my VAG smell like cheese?
Sweet or beer-like vaginal odor A yeast overgrowth in the vagina can produceasweet smell reminiscent of honey or cookies.Intenseburning, itching, or feelings of dryness usually accompanyyeastinfections. They tend to get worse over time, and some womenmaynotice a discharge that resemblescottagecheese.
- Consider probiotics.
- Maintain a healthy diet.
- Stay hydrated.
- Avoid douches and scrubs.
- Wash your vagina before and after intercourse.
- Cut out tight clothes.
- Wear cotton panties.
Also to know is, what STD smells like cheese?
It's the only one of the trifecta, though, thatisofficially considered an STI. And yet, it's probably theoneyou have never heard about before. According to theCDC,trichomoniasis (often referred to as trich), is the mostcommoncurable STD.
The Nose Knows: Men's Sweat Smells LikeCheese,Women's Like Onions. It turns out that when thissulfurcompound is mixed with bacteria under the arm, it createsachemical called thiol—and this chemical is knownforsmelling like onions.