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Also, why does a foot have 12 inches?
The Sexagesimal system is used in counting time, and ithas 12 factors. Plus mathematically 12 has morefactors and is easier to subdivide as compared to 10. The12-system of counting was adopted by many cultures includingthe Romans who introduced the idea of twelve inches in afoot.
Accordingly, what was the length of a foot based on?
Around the time of the Roman Empire the terms inch,foot, and yard were refined. What was the length of afoot based on? Answer 2.The Romans measured the feet of theaverage person's foot and it turned out to be 12 inches. Theterm "inch" came from the Latin word uncio.
Mile, any of various units of distance, such asthe statute mile of 5,280 feet (1.609 km). It originatedfrom the Roman mille passus, or “thousand paces,” whichmeasured 5,000 Roman feet. About the year 1500 the “oldLondon” mile was defined as eightfurlongs.