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Also to know is, why is fashion important to culture?
In general, fashion is important becauseitreflects every culture in the world. It was a way tocreatedifferent social groups and be differenciated according toyourstatus (I am not saying it's a good thing but it is what itis). Ourfirst clothes existed to protect our body from harmandcold.
Also to know, what is importance of fashion?
Fashion becomes very important if you areaworking woman or man. Following the latest flowersfashiontrend highlights your personality and gives classylooks.Therefore, fashion is very important in ourlife.Hence, many fashion designers work hard to createnewdesigns, which can attract people and accept them.
Yes, I do think fashion is importantinsociety because it allows people to expresstheirpersonality. Fashion is important insocietybecause it has the potential to bring differentpeople together tocelebrate their own individuality. Thebest way to enjoyfashion is to wear what you love andbeyourself!