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In this regard, why is incomplete combustion bad?
Incomplete combustion occurs when the supply ofair or oxygen is poor. Water is still produced, but carbonmonoxide and carbon are produced instead of carbon dioxide. Thecarbon is released as soot . Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas,which is one reason why complete combustion is preferred toincomplete combustion.
Likewise, why is incomplete combustion harmful to humans?
The incomplete combustion of hydrocarbonsproduces carbon monoxide, which is a poisonous andpotentially fatal gas to humans. Carbon monoxide reduceshemoglobin's (a pigment/protein in our blood that carries oxygen)ability to carry oxygen around our body, essentially starving ourorgans of oxygen.
During incomplete combustion part of the carbonis not completely oxidized producing soot or carbon monoxide (CO).Incomplete combustion uses fuel inefficiently and the carbonmonoxide produced is a health hazard. Incomplete combustionoccurs because of: * Insufficient mixing of air andfuel.