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People also ask, where does the word italic come from?
1612, from L. italicus "Italian;" so called because itwas introduced in 1501 by Aldus Manutius, printer of Venice (whoalso gave his name to Aldine), and first used in an edition ofVirgil dedicated to Italy. Earlier (1571) the word was usedfor the plain, sloping style of handwriting, as opposed toGothic.
Also know, what is the meaning of Italic in Microsoft Word?
Italic is a style of font that slants the lettersevenly to the right. If the font does not have an italicversion, you will not have true italics and if availableonly have an oblique type (slanted) version. Create italictext in HTML. Creating italicized text in a wordprocessor such as Microsoft Word.
Use Italics when you want to emphasize a certainword or phrase. A common use for italics is to drawattention to a particular part of a text in order to provideemphasis. If something is important or shocking, you might want toitalicize that word or phrase so that your readers don't missit.