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Asked by: Dorthe Lauroba
home and garden home appliancesWhy is my dehumidifier blowing out cold air?
Besides, why does my dehumidifier ice up?
The most common cause of frost and ice buildup on a dehumidifier is because the unit is operating in temperatures that are too cold. There are some models made for cooler basements that operate down to temperatures of 36 degrees. Poor airflow, due to a dirty filter, also can cause freezing of the coils.
Just so, why is my dehumidifier running but not collecting water?
If your dehumidifier is no longer pulling water from the air and you have verified that the ambient room temperature is above 65 degrees Fahrenheit, then the unit's compressor may not be running. A common cause for the overload to fail is from operating the dehumidifier on long or undersized extension cords.
Dehumidifiers remove moisture and humidity from the air. A small, automatic fan on one side of the machine sucks moist air in and then blows the air over two coils filled with refrigerants -- one hot, one cold. The cool and warm air meet, condensing water from the air.