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Accordingly, what does it mean if your hamster is not eating?
If your hamster is not eating or drinking,it'snot normal. A hamster not eating is in factacause for concern. Lack of appetite in hamsters isasymptom of several hamster diseases so if younoticeyour hamster is not eating or drinking,takenote.
Also to know, what do you do if your hamster doesn't eat?
Avoid allowing your hamster to eat toomuchat one time. If your hamster seems very hungry, let iteatfor a few minutes. Then take a break and tryfeeding orgiving it more food. Letting your hamster eatwithout abreak can make its illness worse and mayalso make itfeel worse.
Hamster Keeps Falling Over. A hamsterthatkeeps falling over is often suffering from a problem withitsvestibular system. If your hamster also tilts its headtoone side and wobbles as it walks, then it has likely got aproblemsomewhere within its ears, such as an infectionortumour.