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Also know, why is my fish floating on its side?
The swim bladder is an organ that assists a fish in maintaining balance and an upright swimming position. When the bladder becomes too full or becomes blocked, or the fish has an infection, the swim bladder is unable to function properly. This causes the fish to swim or float on its side.
Herein, how do you cure swim bladder disease?
- Keeping the water especially clean and between 78 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Adding a small amount of aquarium salt to the tank.
- Reducing the water level to make it easier for the fish to move around within the tank.
- Reducing water flow in tanks with a strong current.
Koi that swim sideways may be performing this motion to try to rid themselves of parasites on their scales and gills, such as skin/gill fluke worms. If you notice your koi has lost most of it's buoyancy control and does not ever swim normally, it's likely the swim bladder.