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Asked by: Naroba Narasimha
home and garden home appliancesWhy is smoke coming out of my washing machine drum?
Consequently, why does my washer smell like burnt rubber?
Overheating Motors. Whether the main drive motor is connected by a belt or by a direct coupling to the tub, overloading the washing machine can put enough stress on it to cause it to overheat. This also produces a burnt-rubber smell, albeit one tinged with the smell of burning electrical components.
Furthermore, what happens when a washing machine motor burns out?
Worn bearings can place a heavy load on a motor and cause it to burn out prematurely. With the motor sleeve bearings, improper cleaning of the motor accelerates bearing wear. Unfortunately washing machine motors are not designed to be disassembled and repaired, so you have to replace the motor.
Re: LG Washer WM2016CW/01 Smoking - No Errors Any lift what so ever or play in the basket will indicate your Spider Tub Support is either cracked and flexing or bearings are worn and you'll have a tub seal leak.