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Asked by: Seydina Schappach
home and garden interior decoratingWhy is there a green lamp in every movie?
Besides, what are those green lamps called?
The Banker's lamp: Green desk lamps with an iconic design. The Banker's lamp, also known as Emeralite, is one of the most recognizable lamp designs in the world. The lamp was initially used in libraries, banks and business offices.
Keeping this in view, why do libraries have green lamps?
The reason behind it. The first electric lamps were fitted with light bulbs that gave off a quite sharp light which could cause eyestrain when exposed to it for long hours. The green shade gives off a comfortable light, which makes the theory believable.
Originally, it was not known as the banker's lamp, but as the Emeralite. A combination of emerald and light, due to the color of the characteristic glass shade. It was thought that working in this intensive light could cause eye-strain.