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Keeping this in consideration, is Turtle an amphibian?
Amphibians are animals adapted to living bothonland and in water. Though turtles live in or aroundwaterbodies, they are not amphibians but reptiles. A reptileis aterrestrial vertebrate covered by a scaly hardshell.Turtles belong to Phylum Chordata of theReptiliaclass.
Consequently, why is tortoise not an amphibian?
A tortoise is neither a mammal noranamphibian; they are classified as reptiles.Tortoiseslay eggs rather than give birth to live young,which disqualifiesthem from being mammals. Additionally, youngtortoises hatchon land and are born with lungs instead ofgills. This disqualifiesthem from beingamphibians.
Amphibians have smooth, sticky, moist andhighlyporous skin to perform the various function,whereasreptiles have dry, hard and scaly skin, which guardthemin harsh condition. Amphibians lay theireggsin water which are covered with gel, whilereptileslay their eggs on land, and have a hardprotectiveshell.