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Thereof, why is urine good for lemon trees?
Urine as fertilizer in your home garden . Urine is naturally rich in nitrogen, potassium, and allow plant to grow a healthy fashion, because that's proper balance (ref composting with; Plant fertilizer) Watering which plants trees will benefit from using urine as a is it good to citrus trees .
Similarly one may ask, what is best fertilizer for lemon tree?
The nitrogen fertilizer needs of lemon trees increase as they grow until full growth is achieved. Feed a lemon tree 1 pound of 6-6-6 fertilizer split up into three applications for a 1-year-old tree. Add a pound of fertilizer each year until the tree is mature, around 8 years old.
Citrus canker – A highly contagious bacterial infection, citrus canker causes yellow halo-like lesions on fruit, leaves and twigs of citrus trees. If allowed to progress unchecked, this lemon tree problem will eventually result in dieback, fruit drop, and leaf loss.