Asked by: Abdelkadir Noatnick
news and politics war and conflicts

Why was Germany annoyed by the imperialism?

Germany was annoyed byImperialismbecause Britain and France increased competionwith Germanyto aquire land in Africa. Germany wasannoyed byImperialism because Britain and Franceincreased completionwith Germany to try and get land beforethe othercountries.

Also question is, why were the two crises important factors?

The Moroccan Crisis (1905-1906) wasthefirst crises and was one of the long term causesofWorld War One. The fight over control of Morocco broke downthetrust between the major European Powers. This crisis ledtothe assassination of Franz Ferdinand which triggered thebreakoutof the war.

Likewise, why was nationalism an important factor in the World War 1? Nationalist groups contributed to the weakening oftheOttoman Empire in eastern Europe, by seeking to throw offMuslimrule. It was this pan-Slavic nationalism that inspiredtheassassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in June1914,an event that led directly to the outbreak of World WarI.1.

Subsequently, one may also ask, how did imperialism contribute towards Germany's increasing anger with Britain and France?

Imperialism was a part of Germany'sincreasinganger with Britain and France because sinceGermany hadentered the scramble late, he didn't have as muchland asBritain and France. That created a rivalry betweenthem.Germany gets mad with them because they has most of thelandand he wants land too.

What is meant by the term alliance ww1?

The alliance system was one of the main causesofWorld War One.The alliance system was made up of twogroups,the Central powers (Germany, Austria- Hungary, Italy(1914),andTurkey).The second group was the Allied powers (Russia,France,Great Britain, and United states).The alliance systemiswhen countries join

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Thus, weaker countries started creating alliancestoprotect their land. Imperialism contributed to theoutburstof World War I because building an empire requiresmanpowersuch military to defeat and keep the land or country thatthey tookover. Nationalism showed that each country is proud oftheir owncountry.

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The Bosnian Crisis of 1908-09 was very muchtheprecursor of the events in the Balkans that spilled over intotheassassination of Franz Ferdinand at Sarajevo in June 1914. In1906,Austria-Hungary was generally experiencing problems amongthepeople in the Balkans that it ruled over.

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The war started mainly because of fouraspects:Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism and Nationalism.Theoverall cause of World War was the assassination of ArchdukeFranzFerdinand. Nationalism was a great cause of World Waronebecause of countries being greedy and notnegotiating.

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By 1914, then, the three nations of theTripleAlliance - Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy -stoodagainst the three nations of the Triple Entente - France,Russia,and Great Britain. The spark that would set off a fireofwar was about to ignite.

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The Three Main Effects ofEuropeanImperialism
Due to European Imperialism and manycountriesarguing over the land they each wanted, tensions wereformedbetween them. Following this, many countries soughtalliancesbetween each other to feel secure. This played a big rolein theoutbreak of the war for manyreasons.

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In conclusion, the Alliance System wasanimportant cause of the WWI because it divided theEuropeanpowers into two rival military camps, the TripleAllianceand the Triple Entente, that the rivalry between thetwo campsbrought about the war.

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The name "Central Powers" comes from thelocationof the main countries in the alliance. Theywerecentrally located in Europe between Russia to the eastand Franceand Britain to the west. The Central Powersmobilized around25 million soldiers.

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An alliance is a relationship amongpeople,groups, or states that have joined together for mutualbenefit orto achieve some common purpose, whether or not explicitagreementhas been worked out among them. Members of analliance arecalled allies.

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How did imperialism contribute towards Germany's increasing anger with Britain & France?

Imperialism was a part of Germany'sincreasinganger with Britain and France becausesinceGermany had entered the scramble late, he didn't haveasmuch land as Britain and France. That createdarivalry between them. Germany gets mad with thembecausethey has most of the land and he wants landtoo.

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What countries were allies in Triple Alliance?

The Triple Alliance was an agreementbetweenGermany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. It was formed on 20 May1882and renewed periodically until it expired in 1915 during WorldWarI. Germany and Austria-Hungary had beencloselyallied since 1879.

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The armies of both France and Germany hadmorethan doubled between 1870 and 1914 and there was fiercecompetitionbetween Britain and Germany for mastery oftheseas.

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Why was the Schlieffen Plan Needed?

In effect, Schlieffen aimed to turntheinescapable reality that Germany would have to fight atwo-frontwar into two one-front wars which it could hope to win.But for theplan to succeed, Germany would have to attackFrance in sucha way as to avoid the heavy fortifications along theFranco-Germanborder.