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Subsequently, one may also ask, why do we bow down to Elders?
Touching the feet of elders is a very commongesture in the Indian tradition and it is an age old customof showing one's respect to elders and those who arespiritually accomplished. The main reason behind this gestureis to bow down and show respect to theelder.
Consequently, why do we do pranam?
- In Sashtang Pranam whole body isstretched and cures the body pain. Therefore, from the abovearticle we come to know that there are lots ofbenefits in touching the feet of an elder as it gives a kind ofrespect and dedication which arouse automatically and helps insuppressing the egoistic nature of a person.
It works like massage elsewhere on the body, warmingtissues, increasing circulation, and carrying off metabolic waste.So a foot massage stimulates and balances energy in thosemeridians and organs. A foot massage may actually releaseendorphins as well as reduce stress hormones. No wonder itfeels so good!