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Similarly one may ask, what are the benefits of listening to classical music?
10 Benefits of Listening to Classical Music
- Decreases blood pressure. Want to keep your heart healthy?
- Boosts memory. Did you know that listening to Mozart canactually help improve your memory?
- Sparks creativity.
- Reduces stress levels.
- Supercharges brainpower.
- Fights depression.
- Puts you to sleep.
- Relieves pain.
In this regard, why is classical music so important?
Playing or listening to classical music has awide variety of benefits. Also, playing music especially athigh levels music can increase one's creativity. Sincemusic education stimulates your emotional and cognitiveabilities, it can allow our brain to think in new and differentways.
In 1993, a small study showed that college studentswho listened to a Mozart sonata and then took an IQ test gothigher spatial scores than those who didn't. Listening toclassical music has not been shown to improve intelligence inchildren or adults.