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Asked by: Aynara Ruprich
personal finance credit cardsWill a debit card with a chip work after being washed and dried?
Considering this, do chip cards work after being washed?
The washer won't hurt the card appreciably, unless the agitator blades beat it up (which isn't all that likely if it's in a pocket or wallet or the like). If you notice the card after a wash, your best bet is to take it out, allow it to dry,and you're almost certainly good to go.
Consequently, does metrocard still work after washed?
Reply:No, it is demagnetize. If, you registered it, you should be able to get that money, transferred on to a new Smart Trip card, that you would have to buy. Reply:You will only know by trying.
The fact that the card has been bent to such a degree, whether cut in to two it is invalid since it has been tampered with and therefore void automatically. The card will not work on the black strip, but there is a possibility that a “chip 'n Pin could be used.