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Keeping this in consideration, can a bad starter drain a battery?
Many car owners have a question: do you have abadstarter drain your battery? The answer is quitesimple:the starter does not carry any negative effect onthebattery. If the starter performs its functionstostart the engine, then the problem is most likely inthebattery itself (discharged or defective).
- Something sounds off. One of the symptoms of a bad starter isaclicking noise when you turn the key or push the startbutton.
- You've got lights but no action.
- Your engine won't crank.
- Smoke is coming from your car.
- Oil has soaked the starter.
Moreover, what can drain a car battery when the car is off?
The most common causes of parasitic drainareunder hood lights, trunk lights, headlights or glove boxlightsthat do not turn off when the door is closed.Relayswitches that are stuck in the “on” positioncanalso cause a battery to drain. Alternatorswith baddiodes can cause battery drain.
A bad starter will usually make a cacophonyofsounds along with the smell or presence of smokewhileattempting to start the motor. Here are the manydifferentsounds that you might hear from a badstarter:High-pitched screeching noise. Intermittentwhirringsound.