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Asked by: Gor Manias
food and drink desserts and bakingWill Rainier cherry trees grow in Florida?
Also, where can Rainier cherry trees grow?
Rainier cherry trees thrive in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 8. Plant the tree in loamy soil in a full sun location. Care of Rainier cherry trees is not harder than that of other cherry varieties, and includes irrigation, pest control and occasional use of organic fertilizer.
where do cherry trees grow best?
Sweet cherries are best suited for areas where temperatures are mild and humidity is low while tart cherries will grow in cooler climates and need about 2 months of winter temperatures below 45° F.
Put two to three pits into a small container filled with planting medium and water the seeds in. Keep the soil moist. When the cherry seedlings are 2 inches (5 cm.) tall, thin them, removing the weakest plants and leaving the sturdiest seedling in the pot.