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Asked by: Saliou Schonholz
movies family and children moviesWill there be a the 5th wave 2 movie?
Similarly, you may ask, will there be a sequel to the 5th Wave movie?
'The Infinite Sea': Watch the trailer for Rick Yancey's '5th Wave' sequel. The Infinite Sea, the much-anticipated follow-up to Rick Yancey's The 5th Wave, hits shelves Sept. 16, and EW has an exclusive first look at the trailer.
Keeping this in view, is there going to be a movie of the infinite sea?
The next book in the Rick Yancey series is called The Infinite Sea, and if it stayed true to the novel, the next film adaptation would follow spunky heroine Cassie Sullivan (Chloe Grace Moretz) and her allies into a new life continually threatened by an occupying alien force.
At age fifteen, the alien woke up and "absorbed" Evan. Now they are one-and-the same. Evan now has special alien superpowers, but he'll die if his human body bites the dust.