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Here are a few tips that hair experts use to restore damaged hair after bleach.
- Apply an Intensive Protein Treatment.
- Get Rid of the Damage.
- Make Hair Masks Your Best Friend.
- Try Olaplex.
- Wash Less Often.
- Avoid Heat and Color.
- Get Regular Trims.
37 Related Question Answers Found

Weiyi Picas
ExplainerCan bleach ruin curls?
Bleached hair can also become straight, curly, frizzy, or insanely brittle and the texture can continue to change the more you wash it. So even if your natural curls are there the day of your bleach, they might be gone tomorrow, no matter how much Argan Oil you're using.

Ebony Yachmenev
ExplainerCan bleached hair be repaired?
Dry and damaged hair from bleach usually needs regular protein treatments to help the hair build up on the components lost. The protein treatment helps strengthen hair and prevent it from easily breaking. If really you want to get your bleach hair repaired, you should have a look at olaplex treatments.

Ridwan Reig
ExplainerHow do you treat damaged curly hair?
How Do You Bring Life Back to Dry, Damaged, Curly Hair?
- Use a sulfate free shampoo.
- Use a hair mask (or two) weekly.
- Use heat as infrequently as you can.
- Rinse with cool water.
- If you do use heat, please please use a heat protectant.
- Don't straighten your hair from wet.
- Don't use a normal brush when brushing wet hair (or brushing through hair in general, really).

Evaristo Higgins
ExplainerWill my hair grow back normal after bleaching?
Nothing you do—perm, straighten, color or bleach—can ever change the way it naturally grows. When you bleach your hair, it affects the hair from the scalp to the tip of your hair. The root of the hair shaft is not affected. Thus, your hair will always grow back in its natural colour and texture.

Shanel Wilks
ExplainerIs coconut oil good for bleached hair?
To add fatty acids back into the strands, use coconut oil treatments. Coconut oil is one of the only oils that has been scientifically proven to penetrate strands, thereby nourishing parched, damaged hair.
Mitrita Cabodevilla
ExplainerWhat happens when you bleach curly hair?
How does bleach affect curly hair? Bleaching is a damaging chemical process on anyone's hair but especially on curly hair. Bleaching raises the hair's cuticle to remove the color or pigment from the hair shaft, which also removes the hair's moisture. This is irreversible process causes brittle dry strands and breakage.

Aali Samperiz
ExplainerWhy is my curly hair going straight?
Hormonal changes like pregnancy, puberty or menopause can cause your curl pattern to change drastically. The shape of your hair follicles defines your curl pattern and texture, so when your body goes through a major hormonal overhaul, it can also change the shape of your follicles, thus changing your curl pattern.

Aliaksandra Poticha
ExplainerHow do you take care of your hair after bleaching it?
- Use targeted treatments.
- Use intensive treatments every now and then.
- Protect your hair from external aggressors.
- Wash your hair a little less.
- Neutralise the 'bad' pigments.
- Be gentle with your hair.
- Remember your oils.
- Visit your hairdresser more frequently.

Umayma Loschnat
ExplainerWhat does a protein treatment do for curly hair?
The Ouidad Deep Treatment Curl Restoration Therapy is an intensive conditioner that restores curl hydration, shine, and health to your strands. Added heat from wearing a processing plastic cap, mixed with the proteins and amino acids drive this formula deep into the hair's cuticle for serious rejuvenation.

Hmad Sobreira
ExplainerHow bad is it to bleach your hair?
Bleaching Hair and Damage
Damage from bleach includes dry, brittle, inelastic hair, and hair that is more prone to breakage and split ends. Bleached hair is also more porous and swollen and therefore more vulnerable to other chemical and non-chemical processes.
Daina Beddig
ExplainerWhy does my hair get curlier as I age?
Hormones, stress and ageing as seen as the common causes for changes to your hair texture and quality. The change of muscle tone could affect the shape of your hair follicles and their direction of growth. Straight hair follicles grow straight out but curly hair follicles have a hook shape.

Orencio Jaouad
ExplainerDoes bleaching hair make it thinner?
Bleaching itself will not directly cause hair loss… but it makes hair loss much more likely to happen. Normal activities like brushing your hair or even sleeping will start to cause more breakage as your hair becomes more damaged. Bleaching and highlighting cause damaged hair, but they do not cause hair to fall out.

Bogna Juscafresa
ExplainerHow do you not damage your hair when bleaching it?
Coconut oil pre-highlight treatment will protect your scalp and hair from burns and damage caused by bleach. Cover your hair with coconut oil and leave it overnight or at least an hour before bleaching. Apply the bleach with oil still in your hair. Rinse off the bleach solution completely from your hair.

Coronacion Kachanovsky
ExplainerDoes dying natural hair change texture?
The coloring process will change the texture of your hair further. Coarse hair doesn't originally have a smooth cuticle, so when you dye it, the cuticle is going to be roughened up even more,” explains Aura. With each color application, the damage will worsen.

Publio Derouich
ExplainerCan bleach permanently damage hair follicles?
Although dyes and bleaches are known to damage existing hair follicles, and can cause treated hair to become so damaged that it falls out, the effects of these agents are not associated with inhibiting new hair growth. This oxidation weakens the hair cuticle and results in the disruption of key proteins.

Emir Crosas
ExplainerDoes Balayage work on curly hair?
"You can do a half-head or full-head of highlights." For naturally curly hair, Jaxcee prefers the balayage method. "Balayage is essentially freehand painting, which is perfect because you can customize where you want the color and curls to fall," she explains. "It really gives the hair a natural, sun-kissed look."

Leone Saus
ExplainerDoes bleached hair get lighter over time?
No, bleached hair does not act like natural blonde hair seasonally. The bleached hair wouldn't get darker due to the lack of sunlight. It could get darker in appearance due to products, the minerals in your shower water, and/or the environment. Your bleached blonde hair could lighten in the sunlight though.

Touda Matteo
ExplainerHow long should you wait to wash your hair after bleaching it?
"After having your hair colored, wait a full 72 hours before shampooing," says Eva Scrivo, a hairstylist in New York City. "It takes up to three days for the cuticle layer to fully close, which traps the color molecule, allowing for longer lasting hair color."
How long does it take for bleached hair to go back to normal?
Although the bleached roots will start to revert to the original hair color after a short period of time, they may not become completely visible for a longer period of time, maybe as long as two weeks. Generally speaking hair grows 1/4 to 1/2″ per month although for some people it's faster and others slower.

Boulaye Ridiger
ExplainerCan you dye over bleached hair?
Yes, you can definitely dye bleached hair. I do this for clients almost every day. If you want to go DARKER, you can use a dark brown or black ammonia-free hair dye (semi- or demi-permanent) with a low-level salon peroxide developer (generally 6-10 volume) that simply deposits color on your lightened hair.

ExplainerIs keratin good for bleached hair?
Of course, keratin is great for damaged locks, so don't worry if you've permed, relaxed, or bleached your hair. If you have fine hair, avoid salon keratin treatments. An extra infusion of keratin will overwhelm delicate strands. However, at-home keratin treatments are perfect for fine hair.

Hidaya Zaroual
ExplainerHow long does it take for damaged hair to grow out?
Depending on the length, it can take anywhere from 4 months to a year to grow out. You can do it gradually, if you have long hair and dont want to chop it. There are some things you can do in the meantime to help it feel better, but it's going to take some patience and a little money.

Nely Cebrian
ExplainerDoes toner damage your hair?
Toner is just semi-permanent color, and no it shouldn't hurt your hair.But, you won't get lighter color with a toner, you'll just get rid of the yellow/orange. Of course, most of the toners you can buy will have to be mixed with a peroxide activator, which will further damage your hair.

Aurelia Hamadi
ExplainerDoes damaged hair grow back healthy?
Dyeing, bleaching, straightening or blowing out your hair a lot can damage it over time. These processes dry out your hair and leave it prone to breakage and split ends. Once your hair is damaged, the best way to restore it is to give it time to grow back in healthy and strong.

Freya Estrafalhote
ExplainerCan you repair damaged hair?
The answer isn't always cut and dried. For the most part, hair damage is permanent because hair is actually a collection of dead cells, making them beyond repair. The only real cure is time, a pair of shears, and taking steps to prevent new damage.

Tonette Zurhelle
ExplainerIs argan oil good for bleached hair?
Always look for hair products that contain Argan Oil! Argan Oil is often referred to as 'liquid gold' for its amazing qualities. Argan Oil contains beneficial nutrients including vitamin E and fatty acids, which are great for hair. They tame frizz whilst promoting shine and gloss.

Noelle Jaouad
ExplainerCan heat damage be reversed?
Can heat damage be reversed? Pollard: “Heat damage can be addressed if it's not too severe. When the cuticle layer of the hair strand is scorched or overdressed, it won't curl up as if it were untouched. Some of the curls can be revived if the over processing is minimal.

Carmenza Almas
ExplainerWhat is a Deva cut?
The DevaCut was created by the Devachan Salon and is a special technique for cutting curly, wavy or coily hair. The cut is created on dry hair so the stylist sees how each curl will fall and each individual curl is shaped. You determined your style after your consultation with your stylist before the cutting process.

Eliot Trefftz
ExplainerIs coconut oil good for curly hair?
Coconut oil is great not only for curly hair but also for many types of hair. Coconut oil is a highly nourishing and moisturizing oil. It is beneficial when it is applied correctly from scalp to the tip of the hair. It is highly rich in natural fatty acids that contain anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.

Kare Tejeda
ExplainerHow do you make curly hair not frizzy?
- Don't brush your hair when it is dry. Use a wide toothed comb or your fingers.
- Once in a while, use Velcro rollers to get cute, spiral curls without heat damage.
- Don't sleep with your hair down.
- Try not to add water too much it just makes the frizz worse.

Xiaoya Niehuis
ExplainerHow do you get healthy curls?
Here, the best ways to keep your curly hair in perfect condition, no matter your curl type.
- Watch What You Eat.
- Find a Favorite Curly Hair Product.
- Wait for Your Conditioner for Curly Hair to Work.
- Always Use Deep Conditioner or a Hair Mask for Curly Hair.
- Pat Your Curly Hair with a T-Shirt.
- Get Regular Hair Trims.

Iban Birkholz
ExplainerHow can I bring my curly hair back to life?
How Do You Bring Life Back to Dry, Damaged, Curly Hair?
- Use a sulfate free shampoo.
- Use a hair mask (or two) weekly.
- Use heat as infrequently as you can.
- Rinse with cool water.
- If you do use heat, please please use a heat protectant.
- Don't straighten your hair from wet.
- Don't use a normal brush when brushing wet hair (or brushing through hair in general, really).
25th January, 2020