Asked by: Apostol Lammerz
Questioner General

What is the noun for resemble?

noun. /r?ˈz?mbl?ns/ [countable, uncountable] the fact of being or looking similar to someone or something synonym likeness a striking/close/strong resemblance family resemblances resemblance to somebody/something She bears an uncanny resemblance to my former boss.
26 Related Question Answers Found

Mahfud Marklein


What is mean by resemble?

Have a similar appearance to or qualities in common with (someone or something); look or seem like. 'some people resemble their dogs' 'they resembled each other closely'

Oulaid Romeijn


How do you use resemble in a sentence?

Examples of resemble in a Sentence
He strongly resembles his father in appearance and in temperament. Terrier dogs closely resemble each other.

Ena Jakimov


What part of speech is resemblance?

SYNONYMS FOR resemblance
1 Resemblance, similarity imply that there is a likeness between two or more people or things. Resemblance indicates primarily a likeness in appearance, either a striking one or one which merely serves as a reminder to the beholder: The boy has a strong resemblance to his father.

Desislava Harchenkov


What does uncanny resemblance mean?

The phrase "the resemblance is uncanny" is used frequently in the American culture when comparing anything, such as people, objects, style, writing and so forth. The word resemblance means one thing is similar to something else or they are alike. The word "uncanny" means strange or mysterious.

Enrico Manss


Is Resemblant a word?

adjective. having a resemblance or similarity (sometimes followed by to): two persons with resemblant features.

Ajmal Mundy


Which preposition is used after resemble?

The verb resemble does not take a preposition before its object. When write has no direct object, we put to before the indirect object. The verb explain is followed by direct object + preposition + indirect object. The verb reach does not take a preposition before its object.

Jhonier D'eca


What is the meaning of the phrasal verb take after?

Take after (someone) = to resemble (someone) in appearance or habit. (transitive – inseparable) This phrasal verb is used when you want to say that someone looks like (or resembles) an older member of the family, usually their mother or father.

Maxine Ebelt


Do we resemble each other?

While Look Like means resemblance of one thing to another(or one person to another) in certain attributes and not just necessarily the appearance , Look Alike means almost the same appearance/physical traits of one thing/person to another thing/person. A "look-alike" is a person who looks like something else.

Lamine Glatzer


What is a sentence for detect?

Detected Sentence Examples. I could commonly hear the splash of the water when he came up, and so also detected him. Any denial would be immediately detected as a lie, anyway. Actually, he probably detected that she was nervous about something and probably wondered what it was.

Serhii Larrigade


Does well read have a hyphen?

Here's one rule that will work for you in MOST situations. If the phrase comes immediately before the noun, use a hyphen, unless the first word is an -ly adjective: A well-read person.

Fortunata Bouazza


Does up to date have a hyphen?

With compound adjectives formed from the adverb well and a participle (e.g., well-known), or from a phrase (e.g., up-to-date), you should use a hyphen (or hyphens) when the compound comes before the noun: an up-to-date account, but not when the compound comes after the noun: His music was also well known in England.

Malvina Pines


Does must read have a hyphen?

Generally, whether to hyphenate two words depends on where the words are placed in the sentence. However, must-see is always hyphenated when it's used as a compound word. If the word “see” is being used as a verb in the sentence there is no hyphen.

Chrif Jaresch


What is the synonym of resemblance?

alikeness, community, comparability, correspondence, likeness, parallelism, similarity, similitude. Words Related to resemblance. semblance. affinity, analogousness. equation, equivalence, equivalency, par, parity.

Yijing Kurtz


Is Uncanning a word?

adjective. having or seeming to have a supernatural or inexplicable basis; beyond the ordinary or normal; extraordinary: uncanny accuracy; an uncanny knack of foreseeing trouble. mysterious; arousing superstitious fear or dread; uncomfortably strange: Uncanny sounds filled the house.

Denislav Manicke


What part of speech is earlier?

part of speech:adverb
definition 4:in the past. I knew about him earlier. synonyms: before antonyms: late similar words: beforehand, heretofore
related words:in advance, short
part of speech:adjective
inflections:earlier, earliest

Anabell Olivi


What does striking resemblance mean?

if there is a resemblance between two people or things, they are similar, especially in their appearance. resemblance between: The resemblance between the twins is striking. bear a resemblance to (=be similar to): Paul bears absolutely no resemblance to your father.

Aiping Uzumaki


What is the meaning of synonym?

Synonyms are words that are similar, or have a related meaning, to another word. They can be lifesavers when you want to avoid repeating the same word over and over. Also, sometimes the word you have in mind might not be the most appropriate word, which is why finding the right synonym can come in handy.

Suihong Dittmann


What does Glimmeringly mean?

noun. a faint or unsteady light; glimmer. a faint glimpse or idea; inkling.

Qinghua Ranger


What is the synonym of has?

Synonyms of have
bear, birth [chiefly dialect], deliver, drop, mother, produce.

Fatouma Agnoli


How do you use uncanny in a sentence?

uncanny Sentence Examples
  1. She has an uncanny way of sticking to pertinent details.
  2. He felt the uncanny sensation that she understood his tormented existence.
  3. I spent forty minutes alone with the director and related all the situations where your uncanny tips were involved.

Success Viale


Is canny the opposite of uncanny?

Canny is also related to the word cunning — another adjective meaning wise, but with negative connotations. Uncanny is not the opposite of canny — it means weird or unsettling.

Xiufeng Borstelmann


Whats does uncanny mean?

having or seeming to have a supernatural or inexplicable basis; beyond the ordinary or normal; extraordinary: uncanny accuracy; an uncanny knack of foreseeing trouble. mysterious; arousing superstitious fear or dread; uncomfortably strange: Uncanny sounds filled the house.

Nayla Backofen


Where did the word uncanny come from?

Origin and usage
Uncanny has its origins in a word used in northern and Scottish English: 'canny' meaning smart or careful, preceded by the prefix 'un' which means 'not'. Uncanny entered mainstream usage in the late 19th century, to refer to a situation that appears odd.

Breanne Marañon


What part of speech is impeccable?

part of speech:adjective
definition 1:flawless or blameless; perfect. He thought he'd come up with an impeccable alibi.She has impeccable taste in clothes. antonyms: imperfect, peccant similar words: immaculate, perfect, unerring

Myrna Reparaz


What does solicitously mean?

solicitous. When you hear the word solicitous, think of your mom — attentive, caring, and concerned. It's nice when your waiter gives you good service, but if he or she is solicitous, the hovering might annoy you. Use this word too if you're eager to do something.

Willian Grzegore


What is uncanny literature?

Summary of "The Uncanny"
Within the many definitions for unheimlich, the word reaches a point in which it means its exact opposite, without the word changing itself. Unheimlich means both “familiar” and “unfamiliar,” and translates into English as “uncanny.”