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The Tetrastigma host plant provides everything that is necessary for the Rafflesia to survive. The Rafflesia embeds strands of tissue into the vine's host cells, spreading in a similar fashion as mycorrhiza. By doing this, the corpse flower absorbs nutrients and water from the vines.
27 Related Question Answers Found

Baptista Hammer
ExplainerHow long does the Rafflesia live?
It takes about nine months for the flower to bloom and it can only last for a week. A Rafflesia flower can grow up to a metre in diameter, and the biggest can weigh up to 7kg.

Godofredo Ozturk
ExplainerHow does the Rafflesia grow?
Rafflesia is a parasite which attaches itself to a host plant, Tetrastigma vine, which grows only in undisturbed rainforests, to obtain water and nutrients. Rafflesia arnoldii does not have chlorophyll, as all the green plants have and so it cannot undergo photosynthesis.

Radya Ayza
ExplainerHow does the Rafflesia obtain its food?
They grow on one type of climber known as the Tetrastigma vine. The roots of a Rafflesia enter the stem of the vine to get its food and other nutrients. A Rafflesia begins its life as a small bud (like a flower bud).

Nicereta Tapies
ExplainerWhere does the rafflesia plant live?
Rafflesia is a genus of parasitic flowering plants. It contains approximately 28 species (including four incompletely characterized species as recognized by Willem Meijer in 1997), all found in Southeast Asia, mainly in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines.

Muhamad Dosil
ExplainerWhich is biggest flower in the world?
Rafflesia arnoldii

Shonta Siegfriedt
ExplainerWhat is the tallest flower in the world?
Amorphophallus titanum

Joachim Engeler
ExplainerWhat is the smallest flower in the world?
The world's smallest flowering plant is the watermeal, or Wolffia globosa. Found all over the planet, this bright green oval plant is about the size of a grain of rice! Wolffia is the smallest genus of the aquatic plants known as duckweeds, which are part of the family Lemnaceae.

Josiane Sondermeier
ExplainerIs the Rafflesia poisonous?
The elegant Nerium oleander, the blossoms of which are crimson, magenta or creamy white, is one of the most toxic plants in the world. Every part of the plant, from its stem to its sap, is incredibly poisonous if ingested.

Ayyub Tallante
ExplainerWhat are the biggest plants?
WHICH ARE THE BIGGEST PLANTS? Trees are the biggest of all plants. They grow so large because they are supported by a woody trunk that increases in width as the tree grows taller. The tallest tree, and the biggest living thing, is the Californian coast redwood, which reaches over 360 ft (110 m).

Siri Kareci
ExplainerWhat is the use of Rafflesia?
Usage and potential
Medicine: In peninsular Malaysia, Rafflesia buds are used by women to stop internal bleeding and shrink the womb after childbirth. Men use it as an energy drink or an aphrodisiac.
Ioannis Johnso
ExplainerWhy Rafflesia is endangered?
The Rafflesia flower is endangered because of the loss of habitat as human population clears rain forest.

Khalid Jaehrling
ExplainerIs Rafflesia a carnivorous plant?
A: Repeat after me, "Rafflesia is not a carnivorous plant." The genus Rafflesia (in the Rafflesiaceae) is a strange one. The most famous species from this group is certainly Rafflesia arnoldii. It is well known because it bears the world's biggest flower.

Kaltouma Parlade
ExplainerIs Rafflesia a total parasite?
Rafflesia arnoldii is a parasitic plant, without roots or leaves. The main body of the plant resides inside the host plant. The only visible parts are the flowers, which burst through the host plant's bark as compact buds, and later the fruits.

Reghina Latado
ExplainerHow do corpse flowers store energy?
Storing energy for the big bloom
The female flowers form a ring at the bottom of the spadix (inner tube structure), and the male flowers form a ring around the spadix just above the female flowers.
Virtud Cascante
ExplainerWhat type of parasite is Rafflesia?
Rafflesia is a parasite, and does not use chlorophyll. The plant has no stem, leaves or true roots. It lives inside vines of the genus Tetrastigma (Vitaceae). It spreads its absorptive organ, the haustorium, inside the tissue of the vine.

Guanjun Michon
ExplainerWhere can I see Rafflesia?
Your best bet for finding a rafflesia in bloom is across the sea from Peninsular Malaysia, on the island of Borneo. Flowers bloom regularly at Gunung Gading National Park in Sarawak, on the slopes of Mount Kinabalu, and in the hard-to-reach interior of Sabah.

Mare Bullon
ExplainerHow do Corpse flowers and other plants take in energy from the sun and transform it into food?
In fact, the Rafflesia arnoldii is known as the "corpse flower" because it smells like dead flesh. And unlike most plants, this flower does not use energy from the Sun to make its own food. Instead, it is a parasite: it gets all its nutrients and water from a host, a vine in the grape family.
25th January, 2020